Talk to the council and developers about Morris Walk Estate redevelopment

Morris Walk Estate
Demolition work will start soon on the Morris Walk Estate

Greenwich Council and the developer behind the redevelopment of the Morris Walk Estate are two hold two drop-in sessions for neighbours to discuss their plans for the area.

The two sessions, at St Thomas Church on Woodland Terrace, will feature representatives from the council and Lovell, the company which is rebuilding the Connaught Estate in Woolwich as Trinity Walk.

Morris Walk will be renamed Trinity Park when Lovell get around to rebuilding it – but the company’s slow progress on the scheme has caused deep frustration inside the council, whose previous leadership signed a deal to redevelop the estate in 2013.

The sessions will be held on Tuesday 29 October from 4pm-7pm, and Thursday 31 October from 10am-1pm.

Earlier this month, Chris Kirby, the housing cabinet member, told a scrutiny panel of councillors that he hoped that demolition would be in “the coming months”, with six leaseholders remaining on the estate.

He told the meeting that the behaviour of Lovell and the housing association PA Housing, which is now managing Morris Walk along with the Maryon Road estate, “left a lot to be desired”, including PA not having an office on the estate, which he called “unacceptable”.

“My frustration is that I cannot force a partner organisation to do something they should be doing. I can only tell them as vociferously as I can what I should be doing and use every forum that I can,” he said.

Kirby also said the condition of Morris Walk Estate was now too poor for it to be used to house homeless families. Video of the session is below, with questions on Morris Walk beginning at 16:58.


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